All about Cardio Training

At home or in the gym, exercise bike, stepper, rowing machine, elliptical bike and treadmill help you keep fit and to keep the line without being exposed to the elements and the gas!

What is cardio training?
As the name implies, cardio training is a sport activity that strengthens the cardiovascular system. It is an endurance sport that is practiced mainly in the gym, resorting to specialized equipment, and it requires an effort of average intensity constant and prolonged. This activity can strengthen the heart and improve your breathing.

The pros of cardio training
> Significant energy consumption: through cardio training is important and calls for muscle mass then you burn between 300 and 600 kcal / hour.

> Make you lose weight: when the available glucose is exhausted (after about 30 or 40 minutes of physical activity, according to the people), to provide the energy necessary to stress the body draws on its fat reserves. Regularly practicing this activity (2 or 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes) you will gradually streamline.

> Tones the muscles: especially the muscles of the legs, working in any case, but also those in the arms, abdominals and back muscles through the rowing machine and elliptical bike.

> Does not suffer the joints: on the exercise bike and rowing machine you sit and then the legs should not support the weight of the trunk. On the stepper and elliptical bike the weight is distributed on both legs. To vary the gestures you can also change gear during the same workout.

> Is an activity open to all, beginners or long-time sports: taking advantage of different levels of difficulty proposed by the tools you can make a progressive effort.
The cons of cardio training

> Boredom: running or rowing remaining stationary is dull! Unlike when it happens for endurance sports practiced outdoor (jogging, cycling, walking towards it ...), in the gym the landscape does not change.

> The absence of a trainer: at home or in the gym, cardio training you practice on your own and then you are likely to adopt awkward positions or to follow a program in the wrong way. Result: fatigue, neck, body aches .... If you want to be sure to make gestures at the right time, without advice from an instructor!

> The risk of grow hot: no breeze to cool, attentive to the risk of dehydration!
Any advice ...

> Wear the appropriate clothing: of course, work on a tool, but not for this you must not have the right shoes, comfortable and well that cushions the blows. To avoid accaldarti, light clothes, with a T-shirt in breathable fabric or lycra.

> Distraiti: time passes more quickly if you put a song or a television in the background.
> Please heating: most of the tools offers a warming up, otherwise do some movement on the ground before you begin.

> Change tool often: in this way to diversify the work of muscles and you can take advantage of the specific features of each tool. The stepper and elliptical bike promote circulation and thus eliminate cellulite, rowing tones the muscles of the arms and abdominals, the bike is working joints ...

> Hydrated: even if you're in the gym, you're making the same effort required by jogging outdoors! Do you regularly drink in small sips, before, during and after the workout.

> Make a little 'stretching after training, otherwise you will be filled with muscle aches!

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