How To Lose Weight in Zero Time

Many times we want to lose weight very urgently, as we have an important commitment that we want to look good and of course to get that beautiful dress that makes us look spectacular, but if not lower those kilos we are superfluous we can never have that taste, much less improve our health.

Fortunately there are some ways to achieve significant weight loss in a short time and without risking our health and wellbeing also no rebound effect, ie not return to gain weight easily. Then you'll know how.

Much water should you drink

It is very important to avoid drinking fruit juices (envelopes), soft drinks, energy drinks, beer, and other beverages that provides calories, sugars, sodium and carbohydrates, as they can make your body retain fluid and also do not remove hunger. The only drink that makes you feel a feeling of satiety, which does not make you retain fluids and no calories is water. You can take eight glasses and notice the changes immediately.

You must reduce the amount of food

Not only do you have to worry about caring how many calories you consume, you also have to learn to control the amount of food you eat at each meal.

Another important point you have to consider is that reducing calorie intake you must never skip a meal, many people make the mistake thinking that way can lose weight, all you get is that at the next meal so hungry they will eat twice is taken, then it is not worth the effort made to suspend one of the daily meals. You have to eat three times a day, but fewer and drink water between meals.

You have to exercise every day

If the desire to lose weight in a few days are really serious must make enough exercise, hopefully twice daily to quickly achieve the desired effect, you can go jogging in the morning and in the evening or if you prefer to attend a good gym ... anyway the point is that you move and achieve your purpose.

You have to eat less carbohydrates and more fiber

A very important step is to try to consume many more foods rich in fiber and fewer carbohydrates; foods that contain good amounts of fiber help the digestive process and eliminate toxins, so you can lose weight more easily. Another important point to note is that if you want to improve your muscle tone should add protein to your diet, these are also useful to burn fat faster when you exercise.

Foods you should avoid

It is essential that you avoid foods that contain large amounts of fats such as oils, butter and cheese, plus potatoes, fast foods, especially those chocolates- desserts, ice cream, chocolates, in general all sweet, at least during the days you're making the effort to lose those kilos you need.

Remember that the most important thing is your health, if you want to lose weight is very valid, but it is better do it thinking about your health, if you are lighter you will feel more alive and disease risk much care will be greatly reduced if you have a healthy weight.

Lose weight for health, not because of vanity, but a thin person looks good not exaggerate or try to imitate anyone, everyone is as it is; remember to love you, you must respect your body and not feel bad just to have a little more weight.

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