10 tips useful and effective for weight loss with little effort

The war on calories is the mother of all battles, so difficult it is to get, but there are ways to do it. Here we give you the keys to make it healthy and balanced way.

The weight issue is a concern for completeness. Not least in the scope of health, but is also very prominent when the presence and physical wellbeing. That's why we are constantly reaching for a number of diets and treatments to lose those kilos spare us and unsettle us when you get on a scale.

According to a compilation made in different specialized portals, we group a series of actions that, to fulfill them to the letter, you may lose forever the abundance upset and worried complexed. Obviously, everyone should evaluate what action more comfortable and keeping your body. Ideally, most of them meet to notice successful results.

Sleep well: Perhaps one of the most simple on paper, but very difficult to reconcile in particular, is sleeping. Research from the University of New York, who had studied as a group of individuals, showed that 60% were obese and slept less than seven hours, which showed that six hours and a half is the ideal time to minimize the increase weight.

Walking with load: One of the exercises that can be recommended and that requires a lot of logistics is to walk short to medium distances with a backpack containing at least 20 percent of body weight. If you perform this exercise daily, for thirty minutes, helps burn up to 490 calories.

Drink plenty of water : Water is the vital element and as such is essential to have a control run on the peso. For example , people who drink little water or drink it straight , at great risk that your body retain fluid , which increases the body volume. One of the best times to drink water before meal to encourage proper digestion of food. In terms of quantity is recommended to consume two liters a day and no more, because too much can cause demineralization diuretic .Exercising in cold environments : Obviously that is a practice that scary, but exercising in a cold environment forces the body to work harder and causes more burning of calories as fat tissue that is responsible for burning calories is more sensitive to cold climates.
Increase heart rate : An optimal levels heart rate is 134 beats per minute, which is linked to exercise intensity and consistency . In that sense, if the heart exceeds that level of beats per minute, requires more energy and therefore more calories are consumed .
Weightlifting : One of the good exercise is to lift weights and do repetitions at high speed , then put into action and twitch muscles . For this reason , with this level of demand will burn more calories with the same amount of training.
Manage intervals : One of the simple ways to lose weight is to exercise at intervals of eight seconds for twelve high intensity low , since a study at the University of New South Wales ( Australia ) made ​​to a group of people who performed daily exercise demonstrated that those who worked with that level of intervals managed to reduce 2.5 kg in 15 days.
Taking vitamin D : Cells that help burn fat require calcium and vitamin D to fulfill that function . So , people who are overweight have a strong need to eat more and better doses of these vitamins.
Eat every three hours : A good diet is important to have a good weight. Eat five small meals a day causes them to burn calories, especially due to the thermic effect of food . Proteins , for example, have a thermal effect for translating that a percentage of 30 % of the calories are burned in digestion.
Visit the nutritionist : Attend a nutritionist can periodically lead a healthy and balanced diet reduces the incidence of disease , improves physical and mental performance , and to enjoy the wide range of foods .

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