How to Burn Fat

The amount of calories you burn an adult, is proportional to the muscle, so that men tend to burn more calories than women, with the same exercise

Yes, her husband begins an exercise routine with his wife , he , at three months , had lost five kilos , she will have lost only three . The man then burns more fat than women?

In fact , men have more muscle mass than women. And as the number of calories a person burns is proportional to the muscle you have, men tend to burn more calories than their female peers , even by the same amount and type of exercise .

Indeed , muscle weighs more than fat, which may contribute to weight gain because of their development . However, if the intent is to only burn fat , you should perform a more specific plan that includes a new diet and the type of exercise you do.

In effect , you need to follow a well-balanced program of exercises, which combine routines initially athletic and cardiovascular work , then make muscular endurance training , all this five times a week. Many people who is devoted to a cardiovascular workout , losing weight is to start , and then when it starts toning muscle endurance training . You also need to follow a nutritional plan that balances carbohydrates , proteins and fats to ensure maintaining good physical rest .

Remember that if you are exercising regularly , you will increase your muscle mass and , as a result , will continue to burn calories even when not specifically exercising, so you will see results very surprising , in a few months or even weeks.

Why train the heart?

The cardiovascular workouts are essential for effective training program , not only to burn fat, but also to get a good health . By definition, cardio workouts can be any exercise (running, biking, swimming , jumping rope ) to raise and keep the heart rate for a predetermined time . When performing cardiovascular exercise strengthens the heart, lungs and decreased heart rate at rest , which means that over time , the same effort that allowed walking a mile in 10 minutes will cross it in 9 minutes. Cardiovascular exercises burn fat. A good cardiovascular health and strength gives us the ability to persist in sports and in life.

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

There are many benefits that are obtained when performing cardiovascular exercise, for example :

Increases metabolic rate
Improves cholesterol levels
Increases the secretion of growth hormone
Increases blood flow to the brain, which in turn increases alertness .
Improves digestion
Reduce stress levels
Boosts the immune system resistance
Despite all these great benefits , there are still people that put the cardio in the category compared to a tooth extracted .

Avoiding Excuses

For some people find it boring stationary bike or stair climber . For others , running is monotonous . If the excuses are preventing you perform cardiovascular exercise, or if you want to take your physical condition and health to the next level , we recommend the following tips :

A. Train with a purpose

An intense cardiovascular exercise , focused, 20 minutes, can be much more effective than a 40-minute exercise that lacks purpose and direction. Using high-intensity cardio is key. Research has shown that interval training high intensity increases the metabolic rate for a period of time longer than a low-intensity exercise performed in 40 minutes. After a high-intensity exercise , the body burns fat for the rest of the day and even while sleeping. These high intensity levels allow a person to exercise short periods of time and get better results.

B. Train three times a week

Based on your individual goals , set aside time during the week for your cardio. The fact of performing cardio three times a week , accompanied by weight- training and proper nutrition has shown to lead to a muscular body and low in fat.
A cardiovascular workout done in the morning not only a great way to start the day , but is more efficient and causes the body to remain very active for the rest of the day . When performed on an empty stomach , cardiovascular exercise improves the ability to burn fat long after it was completed that year.

C. Train with variety

When considering cardiovascular exercise , you must evaluate using three criteria:

Its ability to burn body fat
Its effect on cardiovascular conditioning
If you can matenerlo hooked and represent a challenge.
There are no rules that state you have to do the same exercise every time you perform cardio. There are also no rules that say you have to do in the basement or in the gym.

Classical cardiovascular activities are running, cross country cycling and swimming, but only represent the beginning of a range of options available. We must ensure exercise plan our activities we enjoy. The more enthusiastic we are with the activity , are more likely to give ourselves completely. However, if convenience is a priority , a stationary bike or a treadmill installed at home can be a perfect choice.

D. Set goals that represent a challenge

His first goal may be simply to jog for 15 minutes, or if it is more advanced in some exercise heart rate zone for a predetermined time . Using the vast number of variables that current devices can always offer to take the exercise to the next level .

When using a treadmill or a stationary bike with a clearly defined mission , which represents a challenge for our body and to our resolutions , we will be engaged in an exercise energizing. We can turn it into a competition : us against the device or us against ourselves . We should always try to do more in each year . Whether to run longer or faster every time we go up to the treadmill.

E. Train in your target areas of your heartbeat

The heart rate used to train not only a good way to ensure that you are exercising in the areas of target intensities , also measure your progress in increments . For example , one can know that it has obtained a significant improvement if the training is able to increase the speed over a specified distance while maintaining a heartbeat like. A heart rate monitor is an invaluable tool for exercise at precise intervals .

The Right Way to Burn Fat

To remove excess fat mass, intense exercise is not a good solution. Quite the contrary , in numerous experiments have shown that much better results are obtained with resistance exercise , ie with moderate effort but maintained.

Why? Because at the beginning the body uses carbohydrates first .

Only after a while begins to burn fatty AIDOS (a bit like a fire that burns the underbrush before consuming the heavy strains) and continues even after stopping the exercise . Best exercise burns fat is below 50 % capacity and must be maintained for some time (at least 30 minutes). When you do intense exercise , the aerobic for example, quickly devour all bookings glucĂ­dicas , which we quickly exhausted and we are forced to stop.

And accumulate errors : not only have we burned a lot of fat , but we risk fainting, become dehydrated and we were hungry . This feeling of being starved pushes us to eat (bad overall ! ) And we returned to the insulin - storage cycle . We are completely wrong ! If you make a moderate effort ( rapid traverse , stationary bike ) , do not feel fatigue or weakness and can calmly wait a bit and let the mechanisms of " destocking " continue their action before the meal that will trigger the insulin spike and a new cycle storage .

Most importantly, in the exercise , is maintenance. Most importantly, in the exercise , is the maintenance of a minimum of 30-45 minutes regularity. Therefore it is recommended to make reasonable choices : fast walking , an excellent exercise that moves the entire body, is available to everyone and does not require particular condition . If you walk an hour a day , you will burn 300 calories a day and this may be enough to restore the balance between storage and expenditure . Do not forget either that the muscles are using fats. The most active are the muscles , the more you increase muscle mass andmore fatty acids may burn ! All times to burn are good : up the stairs is a very good ...

Do we make slimming massage ?

We've seen it : no manipulation can " bring out the fat " of the cell . On the contrary , massage has a beneficial effect on tissue drainage , especially if done in a dynamic phase , as an accompaniment to physical activity. Accentuate the circulation of fatty acids released and therefore practiced before or after exercise, improves combustion .

A light massage is excellent also at night before bed as a biorhythm naturally accompanies increases considerably (up to 200% !) Blood flow in adipose tissue , particularly in the lower limbs.

This increase causes an acceleration circulation drain overnight. If you have cellulite , you get the most out of this biorhythm , favoring massaging the thighs and legs before bedtime.

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