Three scientifically proven tips to lose weight

The restriction of calories we consume is the best way to lose weight, but we all know how hard it is to get.

Now U.S. researchers say they found three basic steps to do: keep a diary of all foods you eat, do not skip meals and avoid eating in restaurants, especially during lunch.

Scientists at the Cancer Research Center Fred Hutchinson reached this conclusion after studying a group of overweight or obese women were put on a diet for a year.

The results published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics of the United States) found that those who followed these three tips-and in particular those leading a food diary-were those that managed to lose more weight.

As expressed by Dr. Anne McTiernan, who led the study, "this is the first time that measures the impact of a series of self-control behaviors in body weight."

"In regards to weight loss, evidence from randomized controlled trials comparing different diets found that restricting total calories is more important than the composition of the diet, such as low-fat diets or low in calories. "

"So he adds the researcher, the specific objective of our research was to identify behaviors that supported the overall objective of restricting calories."


Honesty and accuracy

 To find which behaviors could help that goal was a record for a year of 123 overweight and obese women aged 50 to 75 years.
All participants had a sedentary lifestyle.

For the study were randomly divided into two groups: one would follow a calorie-restricted diet for one year and the other group would follow the calorie restriction diet along with an exercise routine.
It also gave them a few basic tips to achieve your weight loss.

In particular, they recommended that when filling your were honest food diary and record everything they ate, they were precise and record portions, to complete details on the preparation of food and be consistent, that is, always carry your notebook to record their consumption.

The results at the end of 12 months, showed that the participants had lost an average of 11% of body weight they had to start, about 8.6 kilos.

Most diets had followed 1,200 to 2,000 calories daily.

But managed to lose more weight than were those who carried a food diary.

They lost an average of 2.7 kilos more than those who do not keep diaries.

Women who said skipping meals lost 3.6 kilos less than that they are not jumping.

No restaurants 

Nothing restaurantesLas going out to eat at restaurants at least once a week also lost less weight: about 2.2 kilos more than those who did not go, especially at lunch.
As expressed by Dr. McTiernan, "a food diary is one of the easiest ways to keep track of what we're eating."

"If you write it, seems more real. Writes Otherwise, it is easy to pretend and deceive itself that has not eaten so much" he adds.

As for skipping meals, the researchers believe that this causes the individual to "respond more favorably to high-calorie foods and therefore end up eating more".

The conclusion, Dr. McTiernan says, "is that for those trying to lose weight is the best advice, based on this study, is to keep a food diary to help you meet your daily target consumer."

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