Tips To Reduce The Consumption Of Calories

In the Western world, people want to eat food similar to traditional characteristics but lower energy intake.

From the point of view nothing recommended dietary and nutritional eating a diet based on foods less greasy and less sugar , but this is not essential to use light foods .

Eating less of some foods and cooking the right way , is able to reduce the intake of fats and sugars choose without light foods , which are usually more expensive and not as palatable as foods that seek to imitate.

Some tips :

1) Choose most often foods less fatty and sugary

• Dairy low fat ( semi-skimmed or skimmed milk , cottage cheese type Burgos , cottage cheese, yogurt or skim , etc. . ) .
• Leaner meats ( skinless chicken and turkey , rabbit , pork loin and lean pork, fillet of beef , pork or beef tenderloin , horse ) .
• serrano ham bacon, cooked first or extra poultry meats . Degrease the wines of cold meat and poultry .

Replace meat and eggs per fish at least three or four times a week

Remember to check carefully nutrition labeling and ingredient list of manufactured products .

2 ) Dressings and sauces : Yes , but in moderation

• Dressings : Use olive oil and seeds (sunflower , corn, soybean ) wisely, are healthy for the heart and blood vessels but they are full of energy .

• Sauces: choose less greasy sauces ( tomato , pepper , mayonnaise lightened with yogurt and other prepared with vegetables) . Use just enough oil and flour for preparation.

3) How to cook food?

Choose those less fat cooking techniques added to food : • Iron : suitable for quality meats , poultry, and certain vegetables .
• Papillote (vegetables , potatoes and fish ) : spice to taste ( salt, pepper , garlic , parsley , lemon, etc. . ) . Wrap the meat in heatproof role as " swell " paper, you are ready . Cooking time varies with the amount of food, their thickness and firmness. Typically, 15 to 20 minutes in preheated oven hot .
• sautéed (veggies as a side dish or first course ) in pan with a few drops of oil.
• Steamed, baked or boiled.
• Oven ( for all types of food).
• Microwave ( is very useful for all kinds of food ) . As an example , looks good potato in the microwave to make tortillas or as garnish or ingredient in all kinds of recipes .

Use only occasionally
• Fried , battered or breaded . The oil should be hot. If the food is batter , add a tablespoon of water per egg and thus absorb less oil. If it is also used paper towels to remove excess fat fried food once better.
• Stews or casseroles . Remove poultry skin and visible fat from meat before cooking and use the right amount of oil.

4) Opt for light fittings

• red or green peppers roasted with little oil, mushrooms and sauteed mushrooms with a little oil , steamed vegetables (garlic , onion , green pepper, zucchini and tomato , or garlic, onion , red pepper, eggplant and tomato) , salads , papillote vegetables (carrots , zucchini , eggplant ... ) , etc. .
• Potato boiled , baked , microwaved or pureed made ​​with semi-skimmed or skimmed milk and a little oil or butter , and may not fried .
• Peas sauteed with garlic , etc. .
• With a little imagination , you can create a host of side dishes that accompany favorites .

Suggestions light recipes

first Courses
Coca vegetables
Green beans with sesame sauce
Borage stalks and tomato.

Main Courses
Sardines meatballs with piquillo Cream
Fresh cod egg cream
Ratatouille with poached eggs

unique Dishes
White rice with fruits
Pizza with broccoli
boiled Valencia

Skewer fresh fruit with yogurt
Apple and walnut salad with yogurt sauce
Carrot Cake

Light sauces recipes

Mushrooms or mushroom sauce

In a pan fire have a little olive oil , chopped garlic, onion and mushrooms cut julienne strips . When ready add some skim milk and 1 slice of skim cheese , salt and ground white or black pepper . Stir well to make it smooth.

Pepper sauce

Fry in a little oil a clove of garlic ( without browning too much) and 1 slice of bread moistened with water ( absorbs less oil). Crush the garlic bread , 2 or 3 roasted red peppers ( or 1 green) and salt. You can dilute the sauce with water or tomato juice if the red pepper and has become too thick .

Yogurt Sauce

Put in a bowl 1 plain yogurt to add ? 75 grams of cheese, 1 tablespoon mustard , vinegar , salt and pepper. Beat and stir until smooth .

Decalogue to reduce calorie diet

1) Practice a balanced diet, eat everything but not in large quantities. No particular food contains all the nutrients the body needs .

2) Perform at least three meals and two snacks , mid-morning and mid-afternoon . This will avoid snacking , as there is no time to have the stomach emptiness between feedings.

3 ) Increase your fiber intake , improve satiety and intestinal transit .
• Eating enough fruits and vegetables ; exploit those in their prime, the season. Vegetables and vegetables can be eaten daily as part of a starter and as an accompaniment to seconds (Ex. . Macaroni with ratatouille and loin with peppers ) . Trying to eat a salad every day.
• Take vegetables , pasta and rice, 2-4 times a week and include sufficient daily grains like bread. Try to choose foods (rice , pasta , bread , cookies ) as they are more nutritious.
• Combine cereals, pulses and potatoes with vegetables : green beans with potatoes , spinach with a handful of chickpeas , sauteed spaghetti with garlic, onion , eggplant , mushrooms and tomatoes , etc. . This increases the volume of the dishes without excessively increasing the calories.

4) Limit fats and are not seen . Reduce intake of butter, margarine, oil and mayonnaise . Often choose more low-fat dairy , lean meats ( skinless poultry , rabbit , pork loin , fillet of beef , pork or beef tenderloin ) and less greasy meat products ( serrano ham or cooked bacon and cold cuts first poultry ) . Remember it is not always necessary to take low calorie food or light .

5 ) Escape involving food empty calories ( not nourish the body ) , such as sweets, snacks, sugary sodas , alcoholic beverages. Do not abuse the sugar, honey , jam or chocolate. They are palatable , but very caloric .

6) Cooking Light and heavy stews flee . Use cooking techniques usually cooked or boiled , steamed, sauteed with a little oil , iron, oven and microwave . Use sparingly fried , battered, breaded , heavy stews . You can include stews smoothly , as long as you develop with little fat. For example, a turkey stew or chicken without skin, the gardener , fish in green sauce , rabbit with mushrooms, etc. .

7) If you eat in the restaurant. Choose the menu salad or vegetables and fish or grilled meat or a salad first and second , a plate of pasta, vegetable or paella.

8) Drink lots of water . It may take occasional diet soda as an alternative to sugary drinks . Avoid drinking alcohol.

9) Moderate salt and strong spices , stimulate appetite and habit forming .

10) Exercise : Walking, swimming , cycling , or doing any dynamic exercise at least half an hour a day , or regularly three days a week . Along with a healthy and balanced diet , exercise helps prevent excess weight , improves the health of blood vessels and the heart, provides a sense of well being, helps relieve tension and stress and relaxes

Do I need light foods in our daily diet ?

In the market there are many traditional foods that are low calorie version . In people who are in good health conditions is not appropriate to use this type of food . However, they are considered suitable for those who must limit their food energy intake or the amount of fat and / or sugar , because they suffer from some disorder or disease . However, the excessive preoccupation with body image that has been occurring in recent years makes these foods ingested excessively or unnecessarily , increasing the risk of nutritional imbalances .

Is food slim light ?

The fact that it appears on the packaging the word "light" , " no sugar added" , "low fat " or similar messages , not meant to be slimming . The most effective way in which you lose weight or "thin" is conducting a properly designed diet along with physical exercise . The truth is that light food consumption is not essential, and need not always resort to them to reduce the energy content of food. It is true that your calorie intake is usually lower compared to conventional foods that mimic , but this does not make slimming . The reduction in energy intake of these foods is often done at the expense of carbohydrates and fats , reducing the amount of these substances or replacing as sweeteners and fat substitutes respectively. Most consumers who read on the package said messages safely believe that it is a food with a significantly lower energy intake , but excessive consumption of the amount , its effects are completely contrary to what is sought , producing even weight gain. Furthermore , it was found that in all cases the energy value of these foods is as low as expected.

Are light foods pose risks ?

If abused consumption or indiscriminate use is made of them in the diet increases the risk of nutritional imbalances .

Its indiscriminate use can affect the health

Fats and sugars are nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body , consumed without excess or defect . When I replace many conventional foods for their light versions can be a risk of lack of essential nutrients. The body can not produce on its own any of them , especially if the overall diet is not properly designed . The fat is vegetable essential fatty acids ( linoleic and linolenic acid) and fat soluble vitamins or fat-soluble (A, D , E, K ), which perform functions of great importance in our body. Furthermore, if a small amount of consumed carbohydrates, the normal functioning of the body may also be disturbed . The latter occurs if the maximum suppress or limit foods high in carbohydrates such as cereals and cereal products (pasta , bread , biscuits , etc. . ) , Potatoes , legumes, vegetables and fruits , sweets . And the situation gets worse if we also consider the use of food "sugar " . This would cause other body reserves losses , since the organism would use as an energy source due to the lack of carbohydrates, our primary energy fuel .

Not because light can be taken twice

Because consumers generally unknown ingredients and nutritional composition of energy and light foods , it may be that if you routinely eat a tablespoon of mayonnaise , for example, eat lightly two or three because it believes that only gives energy. This is a mistake , because the energy difference is not so great as to triple its consumption. It is essential to convey that light foods should also be eaten in moderation .

Food no " added sugar " and sweeteners

Sweeteners are a group of additives that have caused great controversy. The main problem lies in determining the dose to ensure that will not produce any harmful effects to the health of the person. A question not simple , because in addition to consider the ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake ) has to consider the total intake of sweeteners that a person can perform through different foods that make up their diet.

Foods to keep track of fat

Light foods obtained through a reduction of the fat content can be useful to diversify power who have to control the amount of fat in your diet , as in the case of those with hypercholesterolemia , hypertriglyceridemia , certain liver disorders or gallbladder pancreatic problems and excess weight. The highest employment in this section are light mayonnaise mayonnaise , margarine, light butter , cheese and low-fat ham , milk , yogurt , etc. .

Foods to keep track of sugars

Food obtained by reducing or eliminating the amount of regular sugar emerge to meet the demand of those who for health reasons have to control your intake of sugars . In the case of diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia , overweight and obesity. Not all foods that included the message "no sugar ", " no sugar added" , " fructose " , " suitable for diabetics " are light and low in calories.

Why is it essential to read labels ?

When placing food in the diet light always read the labels indicate data , particularly with regard to nutrition labeling and ingredient list , which by law are presented in decreasing order of their weight , ie the most compelling is the first to appear, including additives . Should compare the list of ingredients with light food to conventional food and energy and nutritional composition of both , not just 100 grams , but also taking into account the consumer portion or serving , as there may be more of a surprise. For example, if we compare the composition of two types of cookies, light , normal , 100 grams difference in calories may be noticeable, but if the energy difference is calculated taking into account the portion of "four units " , and not much. Compare the characteristics of light foods and their traditional counterparts can actually determine whether or not they are suitable to the needs of the person, knowing the composition of what you are eating , and the relationship between quality and price.

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