Lose weight during pregnancy: pregorexia, mommyrexie ... those moms who refuse to get fat

On one side, there are stars, always thinner during their pregnancy. On the other, future moms always more attentive to their weight, sometimes to the point of wanting to lose weight during pregnancy. In the center, a new trend that worries: pregorexia, or mommyrexie, understand, anorexia of future mothers. How to explain it and especially to prevent it? Decryption!

Lose weight during pregnancy: the new trend in fashion? True phenomenon of society, the "pregorexia" - contraction of "pregnant" and "anorexia" (anorexia) - would rage more and more in the future mothers. This behavioral disorder, also called "mommyrexie", is characterized by excessive attention to weight gain during pregnancy. Worried about this (new?) Obsession with thinness, specialists sound the alarm. At issue: the disastrous consequences that this type of behavior could have for the health of the pregnant woman and her unborn baby.
Lose weight during pregnancy: when future mothers feel guilty ...Victoria Beckham, Gisele Bundchen, Nicole Richie ... These moms stars (to name a few) did not show a single roundness (too much) during their pregnancy. During 9 months, they were strafed under all the seams with a silhouette of dream showing weight gains of only, 7 or 8 kilos at the end of pregnancy.
Pictures a priori innocuous, but more harmful than it seems. "This ultra-media coverage of pregnant people puts pressure on future mothers," says Paola Aburto, a psycho-clinician at Evry's "soft" maternity ward. "For some of these women who make their weight a permanent struggle, the identification with the stars is all the more important as they compare themselves and wish to have the same life as these people".

But the emergence of mommyrexie can only be attributable to these people too small. For Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist, the harm is deeper: in terms of overweight, women are generally misinformed. "Today, people can no longer tell the difference between being overweight and being overweight, so even before they get pregnant, some women come to see me because they want to lose weight in anticipation of their pregnancy, "he says. And once pregnant, these future moms would suffer from a more surprising pressure ... exercised by the medical profession! "These unhealthy diets often have their origins in medical statistics that put pressure on pregnant women, so health professionals point to the magic figure of" normal "weight gain during pregnancy, from 9 to 12 years old. Unfortunately, we do not take into account the psychological, economic, family and personal factors that may impact the weight gain of the future mother.
Lose weight during pregnancy: a pathology of already fragile pregnant women?But who exactly are these pre -orexic moms, who still remain today, very much in the minority? Women 'under influence' or future mothers already weakened by an antecedent eating disorder? "In my practice, I had the opportunity to meet some pretty fragile women, some eating disorders had manifested during adolescence, continues Paula Aburto.Through the therapeutic work engaged with them, very old elements were able surface, such as anorexia infant. Also, to defuse these disorders, early care in maternity by health professionals, such as midwives and gynecologists is necessary, says our specialist.
To lose weight during pregnancy: what consequences for the baby to be born?Because monitoring her line too much during pregnancy is far from safe. "These moms will reduce the quantities by lowering their consumption of food, they also lower their ingestion of nutrients, essential to pregnancy: zinc, copper, calcium and vitamins," worries Jean-Michel Cohen. Result: at birth, the child can have weight problems. "Babies who lack nutrients during pregnancy have a lower birth weight, sometimes lower than normal, and have poorer immune systems," he notes. In the most extreme cases, the child may even be born prematurely and present serious developmental problems.
And that is without counting the psychological consequences of the mommyrexie ... Perceived like a factor of attack at its line, the pregnancy can become a source of considerable stress for the future mother ... At the risk of having a negative impact on the mother-child relationship after birth.
Lose weight during pregnancy: stop at deprivation!So how to prevent these risks? For Jean-Michel Cohen, there are "caloric barriers" under which it is forbidden to go down when one is pregnant: 1400 to 1500 calories per day in the first trimester of pregnancy, then between 1600 and 1700 calories in the second trimester, and finally, between 1700 and 2000 calories, the last three months. Below these indications, his child is threatened with a lack of nutrients. And the nutritionist to remind that a diet can possibly be done with a specialist, one month after pregnancy. Never during.

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Practicing yoga can be beneficial to combat back pain

Researchers at the University of Maryland (United States) claim that yoga can be beneficial to alleviate low-back pain, the lower part of the back, a very debilitating problem which is difficult to treat, according to a review of studies published in the 'Cochrane Review'

"yoga practice is associated with pain relief and improve lumbar function" It has recognized susan Wieland, profesorade family medicine and community who has led the research, which analysed a dozen studies with over a thousand participants. 

 In the research are compared the practice of yoga accompanied of different interventions as the use of material educational or physiotherapy. Of this mode, looked that there is an evidence of low to moderate of that, after between three and six months of yoga, is get an improvement also small or moderate of the mobility of the back, so how a slight improves of the pain.

The problem, say the authors, is found few studies comparing the practice of yoga with the of other exercises to establish significant differences. 

The majority of them trials used variants of the yoga as ' iyengar', ' hatha' or ' viniyoga', and them authors admit also that them changes in the perception of the pain or of it function lumbar could be conditioned by the made of that them participating know that it are using with that end, hence qualify them benefits as "moderate" in the best of them cases. 

The study also found that patients who used yoga had more adverse effects than patients who did nothing, but had rates similar to that those who chose another type of exercises, and mainly back pain, but nothing serious.
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How to Enlarge Breasts Naturally ?

Breast girl's most important body part and you seem very appealing to men who got into the meeting, keep him happy. Some women's breasts are the best part of their bodies and some women's breasts are not exactly the best All women want the breast is large and in perfect shape. Some of us are together in the appointment of women, it instinctively and they are happy. However, some do not. You should not be alarmed by the size of your boobs ever. Your breast may be any size A or B does not matter. You are beautiful as well. Nice dress and good Jwelrri your beauty is quite big, you can always make new dresses and always good to your hair the way you can show your beauty and Nain Nksh. And if you really are concerned with their small breast size you some home remedies for expanding the size of your breasts can. Many women to make them grow, use double pad bra Yes it's true, it's always your dress to fit double pad bra helps, but it does not actually increase the size of your breasts Krtakap You can actually increase the size of your breasts down some home treatments are discussed.

  • You water bras, push-up bra Plunge bra and can use the round shape of your breasts look bigger and you can also make use of silicone pad that just seem real, and these can be placed inside the bra. It helps to increase the size of your bra and breasts shows up and in perfect shape it is external and temporary remedies but not increase your breast size.
  • You can also improve your Maspeshio Wyyam the strain will increase your breast size. You go to the gym and the instructor's advice to include exercise in your daily routine at home Krekap may also Wyyam such push-ups, Chest Presses, chest compression on.
  • You make your breasts bigger and round in shape by showing that, for natural-looking skin color makeup on her cleavage Lgayekap specialist knowledge is likely to make up for it,
  •  Responsible for increasing a woman's breast size is? Hormone called estrogen increase a woman's breast size is basically responsible. Hormones testosterone and estrogen in men is more common in women of low when the opposite occurs. To increase the amount of estrogen women may take medical advice.
  • Enlarged breasts look which you can wear a blouse or top of your breast appear elevated.
This is something you can use external measures your breasts bigger and beautiful in appearance, after medical advice you can get an artificial breast, but also to do it well, think you get it.

Domestic measures to increase breast instinctively

Some simple home remedies should be made by women, so they can grow your breast size. There is a good routine to identify healthy body and healthy breast. Here are some home remedies you by the size of your breasts is larger than the breast easily come right in and look beautiful.

  • Daily breasts massaged olive oil moves to the size of your breasts. Massage increases blood circulation which helps to stretch the tissues inside the breast and helps to make them bigger and stronger.

  •  It is believed that the seeds of Azadirachta helps increase the amount of estrogen you take Azadirachta seed powder and water to make the paste of the mixture for 10 minutes daily massage. For best results it twice a month to be sure.
  • Suf seeds also increase the amount of estrogen is largely proved effective. Suf to use these seeds seeds pour olive oil for 10 minutes to cook until the mixture should be reddish in color every 10 minutes from the good results you will see the exact same massage .You Suf seed tea to drink tea Suf pour in 1 cup water for 10 minutes to warm up and to use it daily for 1 month.
  • The use of Pueraria Mirifica also can be used to increase the size of breasts. It works to Satulit women hormones. Marketplace cream, oil, gel, soap, available in capsule and tablet form.
  • The proportion of women breast using Ledi's Mantle lane is for. This herb can be included in the diet as it is supply and creamy. The properties available in cream increases blood circulation and fat deposits in the breasts.
  • Breasts to increase red lentils to be inexpensive and readily available domestic remedies. Red lentils provide soaked overnight and make it take longer to paste the paste on your breasts Felaa and cold water for 30 minutes, then wash and dry it might give up taking.
  • Onion juice may also increase in size of the breasts, it is a good home remedy to use it onion juice, turmeric and honey mix and enticing to take it for the night put on breasts mornings cold water to wash. Water also is effective in enhancing the breasts. Water helps flush out toxins from the body as well as maintaining the health of the breast tissue helps.
  • Banana consumption enlarges the size of your breasts and makes them beautiful. Drinking 2 to 3 days of bananas good result will surely.
  • Healthy Eating at the right interval to take you into the right shape healthy body and big boobs Paangelprotin to such rich food intake, milk, egg, Chis, butter, meat, fish, healthy eating all your tissues, thereby tightening Kamkrte You can achieve large breasts in the correct size.
  • Daily to maintain healthy tissue drank lots of water.  
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The Obesity

Obesity means having too much body fat. Is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. The weight may result in muscle mass, bone, fat and / or body water. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what is considered healthy for your height.

Obesity occurs with the passage of time, when more than those consumed calories are ingested. The balance between calorie intake and lose calories is different in each person. Factors that can affect your weight genetic makeup, overeating, eating fatty foods and lack of physical activity are included.

Being obese increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and certain cancers. If you are obese, losing at least 5-10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, the 5 to 10 percent would be about 10-20 pounds.
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Experiencing Weight Loss

Hello !
Regarding the photo that my friends Instagram, have been many who have asked me about what I have done to lose weight and others, so I thought the best way to answer was preparing a post. Obviously, I am not a nutritionist, all you'll have is based on MY experience, but every body and every person is a completely different world. Personally, I am nothing friend fanaticism with diet and exercise, the line between being healthy and obsessed is very thin, and I usually try to stay away enough of it xD.

 My old pants, size 54 from Asos Curve

Before we begin, I will put in a situation. I am a person with a lot tendency to gain weight, thanks to my dear paternal genes xD. I admit that when I intend to seriously lose weight, have quite easily, but it is also true that gain weight very fast.
I tried diets thousand, a thousand ways to combine food and a thousand things and in the end, I have assumed that a fat person never ever ceases to be. I have been overweight all my life, and even get my ideal weight, I'll never be able to stop caring so much my diet. By this I mean that dieting is not simply a matter of doing it and when you achieve your goal leave, most importantly from my point of view is to learn to live a healthy eating and especially balanced.
As I said, much of my life have been well above my ideal weight, especially the last three years, where I gained weight and pretty much abandoned me in that aspect. You want to lose weight is not a purely cosmetic issue, it's a health issue. I realized that being obese is not nonsense, is a serious illness and had to tackle it. He was unable to climb a hill or walk half an hour without choking, and it could not be.
My turning point was last Christmas, when I really became aware of my situation and knew I had to tackle but already. As I said before, all my life I have been overweight and have tried countless ways to eat, so I have drawn my own conclusions. This is MY way of doing things and it works for me, I do not want anyone to think I'm telling you what to do; and I did not go into whether right or wrong, is my method and I'm doing well. (Do not judge and not be judged, which they say xD). This is the collection of psychological and nutritional guidelines that I have set and follow:
· Be aware of the seriousness of being obese. Obesity is a much more serious than we tend to think illness is bad for the heart, lungs, bones and joints, etc. My main motivation was to stop thinking I was fat and point really was sick and did not want to become pregnant more. Holy god, with 22 years was unable to take four steps without drowning, not to mention clothes, with whom he had two options: Dress me more or gospel singer lady.
· Work willpower. This is essential to be able to reach the goal that you set yourself. I work in the world of image and am very aware of the power that this has. I know what image I want to get me and I know it will cost a lot, but I also know that I have to. Honestly (and I feel the term), being fat is shit, nobody likes not able to buy the clothes they want and live with constant complex. Having to decide to nip with many eating habits is a real bitch, but what is; aesthetics and especially health.
· Understand that who has never been fat never understand you. It seems silly, but it is a very important step. Often, people who have no weight problems often make comments or statements that when you are in a process of thinning feel pretty bad, at least to me. But there came a point where I realized that if you've never experienced anything like this, you have no idea what you're talking about, so I ignore directly.
· Think long term. It is very important to be realistic and know that losing weight is a long, slow and hard process. It progresses slowly, and I often discouraged me and I still discouraging. It may seem silly, but now I look at old photos or try the bigger pants that I have and I feel so proud of what I have achieved I do not mind eating boiled hake instead of pizza xD. The proud to say "I've slimmed X kilos" and the people you meet tell you how much it shows, how good you are ... It's terrible, really.
· Search inhibitors anxiety, I mean. My big problem on the weight has always been the anxiety, I am a very nervous person and this is reflected in the eating. Now, try to find things like hot tea or candy sugarless gum to help me calm. The latter are a good weapon, since being soft and can be chewed, I quite calm the urge to eat.
· Do not be overly restrictive, since it can have the opposite effect to that desired. I know I'm in the process of correcting my mistakes about food, and I know you can not go wrong eating pace as before; but if a Saturday I go out and want to eat a sandwich, I like me. That if I think I can afford to eat a sandwich on a timely and should not become commonplace. Also, within the whim, I know I can not ringing up and get as frets xD If I want pizza, I eat two servings, not the entire pizza.
· Leave the bread. It is very hard, and in many slimming diets shown to be eaten bread, but I am unable to eat a small piece of bread, I have to eat half a loaf; so what I did was stop eating.
· Do not get dessert. The dessert is a cebatil, I mean, is it really necessary? Overweight people often abused and much candy in desserts. I now as I take a tea or coffee and I'm so comfortable.
· Take very little dairy. We are the only mammal that drinks milk after lactation, and also other animal with physical features and a completely different from ours nutritional needs; not it crazy? As if that were not enough, in my case is that dairy produce comprobadísimo me acne. For this reason, I take a little coffee with skim milk in the morning and occasionally some natural yogurt.
· Eat very little fruit. This may sound crazy, but it works for me. Often abused fruit thinking it was very healthy and not fattening anything, but it is not. Can not explain exactly why, because I am not a nutritionist, but my fruit slows me a lot when losing weight so I abstract from it. Obviously, it is very important to take fruit, and when in the weight I should I take because I also love; but for now I do. To supplement the vitamins and minerals it, like vegetables almost every meal.
· Avoid eating between meals. This is the hardest part, at least for me. When eating bad, I felt very tired and it was very heavy and that all my energy was focused on the digestion, and eating a lot between meals. Now I avoid as far as possible chopping, like three times a day and I usually sufficient; and if I have hungry or anxiety, such as cooked ham, turkey or something clean.
· Leave definitely sweets and "shit" in general. Nor should it be restrictive mega personally, if I want to eat a piece of chocolate I eat it, but I know I can do it one day a week and longer.
· Drinking liquid lot. To my water I do not like, but I drink a lot of tea and soda or sparkling but always without sugar.
Exercise. This item admit not fulfill as it should. When I started to lose weight, did not see fit to exercise because I knew that with the weight I had what most likely that annoy me knees, so what I do is go for a walk an hour a day at a brisk pace. I intend to start doing more exercise now that I've lost weight and I am more capable, but so far I've walked and helped me a lot.
That said, I started this a January 3, and today, I downloaded 16.8 kilos, it is true that've lost too much too soon, but I'm not doing anything special for it. I do not take absolutely no weight loss product or natural pills or teas, nothing; but when you can spare many kilos and have some eating habits as we lousy as I had, the change is radical. Honestly, I'm very happy and proud. I still have a few to make weight it should have, but moving from a 54 to a 44 pant is incredibly satisfying.
To all who are in the same situation as I was, I encourage you to give over yourselves and something to be healthy. I know it's very hard, but really, the effort is worth really worth it. I hope my experience will help you even a little bit, and if you're at it, maybe you desire!
I hope your comments, kiss!
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Haha .. the truth is that I feel bad not blogging, but I just feel that need controlled daily diet, and have not, and is not bad, but for now, I'm I stabilized, I control the weight once a week, and still keeping me, I do not care much daily menus, in the sense that now I have no need to lose weight, I'm eating like the rest of the house, more or less, unless not like what I should not, if I lentils, not like chorizo, but I stray bits of potato and carrot, like meat but accompanied by some vegetables or gazpacho instead of fries, I allow my dulcecitos occasionally, and now, still holding me, that if the two kiletes summer, I have not put them, arrived at 76 and a half and during the summer I put two kilos, so now I'm straddling 78 and 79. So a general calculation about 25 kilos.

I have my goal in about 73/74 kgs, I think it's a good weight for me, these things must be done with head and not think about size, or tables of numbers as heights, etc. We are all different from each other and ideal weight is one in which we find good inside, or just in front of the mirror, I have one tall, one complexion and age, but this data can not define my weight, now I feel good, agile and healthy, many evils that had gone, indigestion, joint pain, high blood pressure, cholesterol, low self esteem, sometimes ornery, it all went according to my latest analysis! And what have you, is not the same as saying, I have 30 kilos of more, I have plenty to say 5 kilos, ugh .. not see the difference. Therefore I'm cheering from here to sigais and do not let the fight, which as I said old tv ad, THE END, THE PRIZE IS YOU.

I am going to put a picture I did a few months ago but the weight meets or so now I have to give you an idea. Be the first picture than the weight, did not settle me or anything, so the difference is even greater. Anyway, I think it is a sample of what we can get, I and all who would propose at heart!A kiss to everyone, I hope not decaigais, and I, even among some, I will from time to time, and no doubt that if I see that start to increase the weight beyond these two kilos, I lay me down to work again! and n catches me the bull more!
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Implications overweight for health

The Implications overweight for health And unhealthy overeating and lack of exercise are two characteristics of an unhealthy lifestyle. This lifestyle can eventually lead to obesity.

Consequences of overweight and obesityThe effects of obesity on health are large:

  • Overweight and obesity shorten life in good health.

  • Obesity increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some cancers and musculoskeletal disorders.

  • Children and adolescents are overweight exhibit an increase in glucose intolerance and diabetes develop in increasing. Diabetes is a serious disease at a young age. There may be at a relatively young age prevent complications. Cardiovascular diseases and eye, kidney and nerve disorders.

  • Being fat can lead to stigmatization. Investigation shows that employees who are overweight have less job opportunities. Overweight children are more easily bullied and have fewer friends than normal-weight children. They also are more prone to depression.

Young children quickly get used to an unhealthy lifestyle. They will subsequently be easy to switch to a healthier way of life.
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Lose with the day-to-day system faster weight - Lose weight according to plan

You've probably already heard that one should set goals. Unfortunately, you never said, explaining exactly how you can reach your goal.

A goal can only tell you exactly WHAT you want to achieve and not HOW you get there. It is important that you e.g. know, want to lose as much weight you (the WHAT). For only then will you worry about how you want to remove.

Today we therefore discuss in more detail on the HOW. We show you a system that enables you to you daily sets, small goals that will ensure the long term that you abnimmst successful and faster.

With this system you plan consciously your weight loss. You keep the overview and see what you've achieved everything. It's ...

The day-by-day system

Buy yourself a small notebook or a small block. It is best if you have it the whole day with you, so that you can make fast times in passing records.

Every night before going to sleep, you write out all the small goals for the next day on it. Ask yourself what you want to do tomorrow everything to get closer to your goal of losing weight successfully. You're going to need about 5 minutes.

The following format is recommended:

Objectives for the [date of the next day] [ABC - Priority] - [scheduled time] - [time in minutes] - [short clear goal]

Targets for 16/10/2015
A - 08:00 clock - 30 min - go jogging in the forest (interval training)
B - buying fruit and vegetables for the weekend - 16:15 clock - 15 min
C - 19:30 clock - 05 min - planning dinner for next Tuesday


It is helpful if you set yourself priorities and your goals for these sortierst.

  • A-priority has everything that has the greatest long-term benefit for you, so all the things that you successfully abnimmst inevitably. These include, for example, drive the sports or eating a healthy, balanced meal.

  • B-Priority: includes all the goals that are important to your weight loss and support it. For example, you can only eat healthy when you shop healthy.

  • C-priority tasks have all that move your weight loss indirectly. Examples include reading a book or Decreasing the meal planning for the next week.

If you realize that you can not create all the targets on a given day, always concentrate first on the priority targets A.

Time of day

The time should be a guideline for you. It helps you in your daily schedule so that you do not have to find at night, that you have not achieved all the targets.


Guess on how long you'll need for the achievement of the goal. Setting the duration helps you the limited time each day brings with it effectively use. Do not worry if you need longer or faster at the beginning are as expected, because the real treasure is a matter of experience.


Formulate your daily goal as specific as possible. Only if you formulate it clearly, do you know when you've achieved it. Make sure that goal is always to choose as small as possible.

Do not write to you to go shopping, but what exactly do you shop. Do not write to you to read in a book, but to what point and how many pages or chapters. Write not only that you are going to train, but also what kind of training and how many exercises.

Collect small successes

And now come the greatest thing: When you reach a goal, you may take up a pen and stroke it with relish. :-) You've mastered a small but important step to your desired weight and mayst pat on the back right.

If you apply this system for several weeks, you'll soon have many pages in your notebook to prove everything you have already done and achieved. You'll even be surprised how many things accumulate there.

Give it a try. With only 10 minutes a day keeping track of your weight loss and reach your target weight for an easier life.

How do you like this system? Do you have suggestions for improvements? We look forward to your comment.
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